Show genuine interest by looking her in the eye during conversations, avoiding any creepy staring.
Keep yourself well-groomed and maintain good personal hygiene, including managing facial hair.
Practice old-school chivalry by helping her with her coat, a courteous gesture that sets you apart.
Engage with her friends, showcasing your likable and sociable qualities, as it reflects positively on you.
Avoid distractions from your phone during conversations; give her your undivided attention to show respect.
Make her feel comfortable by asking questions about her interests and experiences, demonstrating genuine curiosity.
Revive chivalrous acts like opening doors for her, a small but appreciated gesture.
Compliment her outfit or appearance sincerely, avoiding clichés and expressing attraction uniquely.
Show your interest in her perspective by asking for her advice on various topics without appearing clueless.
Compliment her positive aura, making her feel good and fostering conversations about her happiness.