Begin by searching your own yard, as indoor cats that sneak out often stay close to home.
Leave food on your porch with an electronic baby monitor aimed at the bowl to listen for your cat's return.
Design flyers with your cat's picture, offer a reward, and distribute them within a three-block radius, as well as in local stores and on telephone poles.
Inform your local animal control officer, provide them with a flyer, and ask them to keep an eye out for your cat.
Call local veterinarians to inquire if someone brought in your injured cat.
Visit your local animal shelter, leave a flyer, and inquire about any cats matching your cat's description.
Place "lost and found" ads in local newspapers and check the "found cats" listings.
Post on local lost/found pet pages on the internet and social media platforms.
Contact local rescue organizations and ask if they have a cat meeting your cat's description.
If needed, hire a pet detective trained in tracking lost animals.
Rashmika Mandanna: एनिमल फिल्म का फर्स्ट लुक पोस्टर, साड़ी में चमकीं रश्मिका मंदाना!