Making eye contact with your dog can reinforce trust and love. It activates the oxytocin system, promoting bonding.
Dogs are motivated by praise. Studies show that many dogs value praise more than treats. Recognizing their good behavior strengthens your bond.
Just like eye contact, touch works wonders. It helps both you and your dog stay connected, reinforcing the bond.
Positive reinforcement training enhances the bond. It gives your dog a sense of purpose and a "job," building confidence and trust.
Teaching your dog a new trick is a fun way to spend time together and strengthen your bond.
Physical affection is crucial for bonding. Spend quality, one-on-one time with your dog, including gentle pets.
Offering your dog your undivided attention improves your bond. Reflect on your pet's needs and build trust.
Play is essential for bonding. It activates neurobiology and reduces stress. Play fetch, tug, or try a dog sport together.
Understanding your dog's body language helps you adjust your behavior to meet their needs, reinforcing safety and trust.
Dogs can sense your mood. Staying calm and regulating your mood with your dog's help enhances your bond.