10 Common Dog Behaviors

Dogs dig for various reasons, such as hiding food, tracking animals, cooling down, or relieving boredom. If excessive digging becomes a problem, seek help from a professional trainer.

1. Digging

Dogs tilt their heads in response to new sounds or to seek your attention. While occasional head tilting is normal, prolonged tilting might signal a health issue.

2. Tilting Their Heads

Contrary to common belief, humping is not always a sexual behavior. Dogs may do it out of excitement, to gain attention, or to relieve stress. Correct this behavior through training or consult your vet if it persists.

3. Humping

Known as coprophagia, dogs may eat feces due to curiosity, malnutrition, or a condition called pica. Ensure a balanced diet and consult your vet if this behavior continues.

4. Poop-Eating

Dogs sniff each other's butts as a way to gather information about each other's sex, health, mood, and more. Redirect your dog's attention with treats or toys if they do this with people.

5. Butt Sniffing

Dogs howl to communicate with each other or in response to sounds. Excessive howling can indicate boredom or distress; consider training or consulting a dog trainer.

6. Howling

Playful tail chasing is normal and helps dogs burn energy. Persistent tail chasing might indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder or health issues, so consult your vet.

7. Tail Chasing

Dogs scoot their butts if their anal glands are full, something is stuck, or they have worms. Visit your vet if this behavior continues.

8. Scooting Their Butts

Dogs lick to seek attention and show affection. Train your dog to stop licking on command if it makes you uncomfortable.

9. Licking People

Dogs pant to cool down, as they can't sweat like humans. If your dog pants excessively, it might indicate overheating; ensure they have access to water and shade.

10. Panting